Staveley & Atraghji

What we believe

What we believe


Lawyers’ reputation for writing pompously is often deserved. And a pompous, convoluted writing style carries real risks: disputes can arise if a client doesn’t understand what their lawyer is advising.

Many lawyers do write well – and they find it exasperating when they see colleagues writing poorly. But they’re often too busy to pass on their skills, and may find it hard to articulate what makes them successful writers. 

We aim to teach a style of writing that is clear, short and free of errors. Why? Because we’ve interviewed several clients of law firms and they’ve told us that that’s what they want.

We explain to our audiences what the most effective writing techniques are – and, more importantly, why they work.

Contract drafting

Lawyers are understandably terrified of the drafting blunders that can poison client relationships and wreck careers. Every month seems to see another case of a contract dispute triggered by careless drafting.

But the profession is in denial. Mistakes are not analysed and learned from, even within the firm that made them. And there’s certainly no sharing of experience across the profession.

Having analysed the cases, we’ve devised a way to classify the patterns of error into which drafters repeatedly fall. By explaining these patterns, we can help lawyers avoid the most common errors – and reduce the risk to their clients and their firms.

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